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Stunt Rider

Stunt Rider

Stunt Rider is a playground to show off your unlimited driving skills as you go through all the challenging ramps and reach the finish line. Perform stunts and jumps on your motorcycle at varying levels. Earn rewards and unlock upgrades for your awesome motorcycle. Can you easily control the bike and keep it well balanced throughout the journey to the finish line? Start finding the answer now!

Attractive features

  • There are numerous new and diverse platform maps that present challenges like towering ramps, giant tunnels, and moving sledgehammers.
  • Players can use rewards to redeem many bike designs with higher upgrades.
  • The moving bike is easy to control, allowing you to perform stunts in the air, jump, and balance on the ramp.

How To Play

  • Use the arrow keys or WASD to steer the bike forward.
  • When you fly in the air, use the right or left arrow keys to control the bike.
  • While in the air, use the down arrow key to flip the car.

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