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2048 Drop Merge

2048 Drop Merge

2048 Drop Merge is a genuinely challenging puzzle game in which you must drop and merge numbered boxes to get the highest possible value. Move intelligently to make room to combine tiles effectively. Making it easier to walk around, the cells should be organized. The greater the cell value, the more challenging. Understand the laws and master the art of combining numbers to finish the task as soon as possible.

Tactical gameplay

Number games are particularly enjoyable since they require you to calculate your movements. Avoid arranging large and tiny numbers together. This allows the mission to fail rapidly. Do not move large values; instead, put them in some permanent spots. Choose a space to concatenate smaller numbers. Gradually increasing the target value will help you achieve the 2048 value quicker.

How To Play

Simply click to select the numbers' pairing position. Move related numbers together to create larger values.

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